Wednesday 26 December 2012

where India stands in respecting the women.

Where does India stand????? By this question it means where India stands in respecting the women.

Why the hell women are beaten for dowry? Why the hell the women or a girl is been raped by boys or a group of boys? Are women safe in there society? Or should I ask Are women safe in their bedroom? Why the hell few men don’t even respect women?

It is not only the matter of rape alone, but about respect that is given to women in public places, homes or at work. That women not being recognized as equals is a matter of deep concern.

When will our country change? When will be our society change? When will the law change? When will the politician stop playing with the live of girl or a woman? Why does people thing women are weak to fight against men or protest again the violence?

The people who rape girls or kidnap them and the sell them in a red light area are they men or a ghost? What should the government do to get rid out of this problem? Should the law be change? Or will the law be changed? Why are we following the same law which is not been changed from last many years?

Where is the government where are the laws where are the politician? why can’t our country law or our government can’t protect a women why are the women in India continue to face discrimination and other social challenges and are often victims of abuse and violent crimes

When are women going to be safe? Come on guys safety of women depend upon the society where we live why can’t we raise our voice against violence why can’t we stay united.

This is a country where we live and work. Why can’t we fight against the crime and rapist?

There are several countries where they have tougher laws for a rapist. Why can’t India implement the same? Or pass some tougher laws for a rapist.

Believe me India is the fourth most dangerous country in the world for women

Where there is no justice done in rape cases there are more then 80000 plus rape cases which are still pending when will be the action taken when will be the justice done.

Can’t the rapist be hanged to death? or should we cut the organs of the rapist .Can’t the rapist be caught on time and if caught then can’t the rapist be given the tougher punishment when will this rapes and crime against women will come to an end.

where there are so many rape cases still pending. If the same incident happens with the 
daughters of ministers or with the daughter of any politician will they ask for the evidence and so called proof the answer is no in this case they will kill the rapist on the spot or when ever they are been caught.

2 girls were arrested for just asking the question on Facebook for shutdown of Mumbai over Shiv Sena supremo Bal Thackeray‘s death can't we ask question isn't this our right. I can't imagine this for such question Mumbai police have arrested them but what about the rapist where is the mumbai police and shiv sena people. i respect bal thackeray i know what do he mean to Mumbaikar but why didn't the action was taken in time for thane rape case.

If we can't ask a question then why should we vote them.

The best way to answer our government, politician if they don't want the citizens gathering even for a peaceful protest is to stop voting or stop gathering when our government wants our presence. Let us be absent when it matters the most. we should make them ashamed by playing their game

Stop voting and stop celebrating our republic day or independent day.

Please end this crap right away...... we want safe India :(

Monday 3 December 2012

Love is all about feeling not about sex :)

Well well well the most awesome topic to discuss on love.

What does love mean??? does it only mean sex???? 

I don‘t know whether you guys will agree with me or not but almost 80%people think love means to have fun with your partner  Fun may be of many type but here fun means sexual life. Today many of the people are hanging out with each other dating each other and all.

But everyone are not true lovers. Few are true lovers and other are for the sake of fun before marriage. Is this so important to have sex with your partner before marriage. Common guys be mature u can always enjoy such fun  after your marriage i know we are human being we need this but its not compulsory before marriage. I have few friends who just broke their relationship with a guy or a girl for not having sex. Isn't this wrong ????? As per me it is because love is not all about getting physically with your partner. 

It's all about the feeling from bottom of your heart towards a particular person may a special person. It all about the feelings, care, affection, trust, respect, etc . Why do people nowadays are just looking for a physical relationship and after going physically, how can anyone ditch there partner ????? how can a person can just break there years  relationship because their partner is not ready for going physically. love is not lust nor it is going physically with some one.

love is the most awesome feeling in the whole world which bring a two peoples heart and the soul together. Who can feel, care͵ trust and have mental fun and mental satisfaction with each other mental fun mean enjoyment, roaming with the partner enjoy every second with the partner but it's not about going physically.

In today world every one around us just have lust in their eyes and its dam ridiculous, and this is the harsh fact. Where few people are with their partner only for sex and once its done u ditch him or her. And then the session continue with some one else love,sex and dhokha.

When sex started becoming easier to get, love started becoming harder to find.

I need your comments guys come on speak up guys. What‘s your opinion???

Do you guys agree with me :)